Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Network Defense (1)

Network Defense (1)

Q Choose TWO of the following Discussion Questions. Provide a detailed response (minimum 2 paragraphs each) to each of the questions you choose. You may post your response to both questions in one post. However, each question must meet the 2-paragraph minimum on it's own. 1. Describe "multi-tier" security and how it is used in the defense of a network. 2. Describe security "best practices" related to proxy servers. 3. Describe security "best practices" related to routers and switches. 4. Describe security "best practices" related to firewalls. 5. Describe security "best practices" related to virtual private networks (VPNs). 6. Conduct an Internet search on "Google Hacks" and describe the information that you found. 7. Describe an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and how/why it is used. 8. What is two-factor or multi-factor authentication? Describe how it can help defend an account or network. 9. What is a rootkit and how can it be used to hack network devices? 10. Why is thorough and proper configuration of network devices a critical component to network defense?

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The two chosen topics for this discussion are, the “Google Hacks” and “multi-factor authentication”. “Google Hacks” is a technique to gather information using the “Google” search engine. An attacker can use the “Google Hack” technique in a foolproof attack by intensifying the level of attack. The “Google Hack” helps an attacker to find out the specific software vulnerabilities or general misconfiguration of a system. The “Google Hacks” works better, when an attack is being planned based on the vulnerabilities of the system, rather than the system specific attacks (Rouse, n.d.).